Our permissions clearance service can help if you want to use other people’s copyright content, such as images, text or video. You might be planning a new publication or some e-learning material, or an update to your website.

Typically, we begin by looking not only at the materials you want to reuse but also the range of rights holders likely to be involved. That tells us a great deal about the project, as some rights holders are quicker and easier to clear from, while others – not so much.

We can also make some sensible assumptions about how easy or complicated the terms might be for those permissions, based on our experience.

  • Will you need more than one layer of permission? That often happens for music and sometimes for images of works of art.
  • Do you need permission to cover open access publication, or another specific set of circumstances?
  • How easy is it to locate the rights holder and, when we do, how likely are they to actually respond?
  • What about cases where we just can‘t find out who holds the rights?
  • And how long will all this take??

Not every permission knot can be untangled but we are highly experienced in finding the best solutions available – and we particularly enjoy being challenged to find the answers!

Do get in touch to see if we can help untangle your tricky permission questions.

Permissions sometimes need an extra check